
Cenchrus ciliaris
浓密的,圆柱形穗状具紫色刚毛.75-5英寸长(0.25-0.5英寸宽). The bristles are slender and wavy at the upper (distal) half. 小穗上没有草坪.
平的,3-11英寸长(小于0.25英寸宽), and scabrous (rough to the touch); hairy ligules (tiny whitish/blond hairs visible at the base of the leaf blade where it diverges 从 the leaf sheath, which is the portion of the leaf that 'wraps' the stem).
束草,所有的茎从多节的基部生长. 这种坚韧的块状植物可以长到3岁以上.5 feet tall, and mature plants typically grow to 3-4 feet in diameter.
Seeds are readily dispersed via wind, water, animal fur, and on clothing and footwear.
Buffelgrass is a perennial grass that grows in areas with warm, frost-free 冬天s and a summer rainy season with 6 to 24 inches of rainfall a year. It typically starts growth in late 冬天 and flowers 从 spring through fall.
道路权利之内, 农业地区, 干扰网站, 空地, 牧场, 草原, 南, 向西和向东的山坡, 还有河岸地带. Occurs in all soil textures but is most common in sandy soils. 主要是温暖季节的C-4草, 长在3英尺以下的黄草,000 feet elevation can green-up and flower after almost any rain event. Buffelgrass does 不 tolerate extended flooding or subfreezing temperatures for extended periods.


Buffelgrass is native to Africa, Asia and the Middle East. It is one of the many African grasses that have been introduced as cattle forage in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, 包括美国南部. It was introduced to the United 状态s in the 1930s for erosion control and livestock forage. It was planted in a variety of locations in 南ern Arizona 从 the 1930s to the early 1980s.

Records 从 natural habitat were sparse until about 1980 when it began a rapid expansion. Few people other than botanists 不iced it in Arizona before about 1990. Today it is rare to 不 see it in the 南ern half of the state, and expansive infestations are becoming more common.

在其本地和引进的范围内, 种植牛耳草, 它已经成为澳大利亚的入侵物种, 北美和南美, and many islands in the Pacific Ocean (including Hawaii), 印度洋和加勒比海.


Buffelgrass has overtaken this slope in Saguaro National Park West. The buffelgrass in the foreground hasn’t become entirely dormant, while on the slope it has turned the straw yellow color characteristic of dormant buffelgrass.



Before treating buffelgrass, it is important that the plant is correctly identified. A water-resistant and tear-resistant identification guide is available. 你可以 通过电子邮件索取副本. 指南也可以 PDF格式下载. 下面列出了一些关键特性.

瓶刷籽头和粗轴: Buffelgrass has a very distinct flower that looks like a bottle brush. The flower can range in color 从 reddish or purplish brown when seeds are young to a tan color when seeds are mature. Once the seeds have dispersed, the remaining stem (i.e. 脊柱明显粗糙.

Although these are some key characteristics that can help in identification, 一些本土的草也有类似的外观. The best way to learn to identify buffelgrass is to 参加水牛草拉扯 由专家领导.





在亚利桑那州南部, the rapid spread of buffelgrass is transforming fire-resistant desert into flammable grassland.


Buffelgrass outcompetes native plants for space, water and nutrients. As buffelgrass increases in abundance, native species decrease in abundance.



Buffelgrass also poses a serious threat to our regional economy. Tucson attracts millions of tourists every year who contribute billions of dollars to the regional economy. Will Tucson remain such an attractive destination if fire becomes commonplace or if our saguaro “forests” become buffelgrass 草原. In addition, the costs of buffelgrass-fueled fires will dwarf the costs of controlling buffelgrass. In 2008, an experiment was conducted in the Avra Valley to determine the characteristics of buffelgrass-fueled fire. This video shows how fast and how hot these fires burn.



机械控制就是简单地把它挖出来! Note that mowing, as a stand-alone treatment for buffelgrass control, is recommended, as it is likely to further the spread of the grass. The choice of tool for digging up buffelgrass depends on the environment. 在崎岖多石的地形中(如. the Tucson or Santa Catalina Mountains) a digging bar or pickaxes are essential. In a city park or your own backyard, a shovel may work well.

志愿者 removing buffelgrass on a hillside using a pick

Digging up buffelgrass results in a large pile of buffelgrass – what do you do with all those buffelgrass plants?! Thatching the uprooted plants over the exposed soil is encouraged and has been shown to inhibit seedling establishment. Thatching simply means layering the pulled plants over the ground where the buffelgrass was uprooted. Care needs to be taken however if pulling along roadside or other areas where piles of buffelgrass could pose a safety hazard. 牛耳草的种子可以存活3-5年, so you must return to your site to deal with the seedlings that will undoubtedly sprout with the next rainfall event. The good news is that seedlings and young plants are much easier to dig up than older, mature plants. Digging up buffelgrass is an effective control method that can be employed year-round on most sites. 当然, the digging is easiest when the soil is moist and temperatures are cool, 晚秋, 冬天, and early spring months the favored times for this method in 南ern Arizona.

欢迎来到牛蒡地丹尼尔•贝尔 on Vimeo.


Buffelgrass can be controlled with herbicide when the plant is at least 50% green and actively growing. 在亚利桑那州南部, buffelgrass usually enters a period of active growth following the onset of the summer monsoons, 从 late-July to the end of September (and sometimes even through October). All herbicide applications should be conducted as per the labeling instructions.


不管你对除草剂的立场如何, glyphosate is an essential tool for buffelgrass control at this point in time. Scientists are actively working to develop alternatives, but currently glyphosate is the only herbicide that effectively kills buffelgrass, while minimizing effects on non-target plants (native plants). The cost of digging up the the thousands of acres of buffelgrass in remote locations on public lands is prohibitive.

如果推荐一个买球网站选择什么都不做, and allow buffelgrass to spread throughout our public lands, we are choosing to allow our saguaros and other cacti, 推荐一个买球网站的棕榈树和铁木, 推荐一个买球网站春夏的野花, and virtually all of our native plants to disappear 从 these landscapes.

最近草甘膦(N-(磷甲乙基)甘氨酸),the active ingredient in many commercial herbicide formulations, 上过新闻吗. Conflicting headlines and the vast diversity of media sources has made it difficult to know which information is accurate, which information is being misrepresented and which information is even relevant. 推荐一个买球网站提供这个 原材料清单 so that you can read the research and make informed decisions.

作品引用:Bussan, A.J.,和W.E. 戴尔. 1999. 除草剂和牧场. Pp. 116-132. R:.L. 雪莉和J.K. Petroff (eds.). 草地有害杂草的生物学与治理. 俄勒冈州立大学出版社. 科瓦利斯,俄勒冈州. 438pp.



Biological control involves organisms (usually insects, but can include livestock grazing) that are deliberately introduced in an area to control invasive species. 生物防治的目的不是根除, but rather to exert enough pressure on a species to reduce its abundance to acceptable levels (Wilson and 麦卡弗里 1999).

黄貂草不是单靠放牧控制的. 如果使用这种控制方法, a combination of other approaches must be used in combination to achieve control. 例如, livestock grazing may be useful for stimulating buffelgrass plant growth prior to treatment with herbicide during certain periods of the year when the plant is actively growing. Insect biological control for buffelgrass is currently 不 available.

Scientists are currently working to develop a “bioherbicide,” derived 从 fungal pathogens that attack buffelgrass in its native range. These pathogens would 不 be released into the Sonoran Desert, but rather scientists are attempting to isolate the toxins produced by these pathogens and turn them into a bioherbicide that would be specific to buffelgrass and its close relatives.

作品引证:Wilson, L.M. 和J.P. 麦卡弗里. 1999. 草地有害杂草的生物防治. Pp. 97-115. R:.L. 雪莉和J.K. Petroff (eds.). 草地有害杂草的生物学与治理. 俄勒冈州立大学出版社. 科瓦利斯,俄勒冈州. 438pp.




